How Do Teachers React to Educational Technology?
Modern education seeks to keep up with continually evolving technologies to benefit teachers and students. Although most educators recognize that education technology is critical to success, not everyone accepts advancements in teaching and learning with the same enthusiasm and devotion.
Examine The Pencil Metaphor, which demonstrates how teachers respond to Questionable Question about technology in education and the outcomes. Recognize your position in educational advancement and take the necessary steps to ensure the success of your activity.
The Pencil Metaphor
Various studies and polls show that students perform better when using educational tools. This makes it critical for teachers to utilize them in the classroom correctly. As a result, students can access technology to order essays and enhance their skills and knowledge and achieve achievement more easily and quickly. However, because teachers approach instructional tools differently, the outcomes will differ.
The pencil metaphor depicts the varying strength of tech integration, dividing educators into groups based on how well they treat educational technology development. Typically, the six groups listed below are singled out:
1. The Hangers-on
You will meet edtech hangers-on at every other seminar and workshop, but there will be no positive effects. The issue is that similar instructors obtain all of the required skills and knowledge about new technology in education but do not use them in any way.
The teachers follow the administration’s commands and recommendations but are unwilling to offer novelties and want to stick with traditional teaching methods and technologies. They are not traditionalists, yet they dislike fuss and change. They are content with their current teaching methods and unwilling to venture outside their comfort zone.
2. The Erasers
These educators are staunch opponents of instructional technology. They not only oppose the edtech concepts and methods being created, but they also work hard to prevent them from being implemented in the classroom. The erasers attempt to undo all the gains made primarily by the leaders and other instructors. They have no precise rationale, but they believe that technology has no place in education and that this is the only truth.
3. The Ferules
The ferrules are ardent conservationists. They will not even be able to see edtech and advancements. They will cling to outdated methods and strategies, leaving no room for current instructional technologies in their classroom. Similar teachers will never choose innovation if they have the option to stick with old-school approaches. Furthermore, they will never relocate to provide a home and a chance for the younger teaching generation to thrive. The ferules will stop the edtech process until their last breath, convinced that they are doing the right thing for teachers and pupils.
4. The Wood
The wood teachers are implementers, not enthusiasts. They have nothing against educational technologies, however. They will use current technology in the education process without hesitation if they have the proper equipment, training, guidelines, and environment. However, it is essential to recognize that effective mentoring is the primary driver of success in this scenario.
5. The Sharp Ones
When using the latest innovations in education, the sharpest is the smartest. They will not be the first to use the innovations. Teachers in this category will observe the pioneers, pick out the best ideas, learn from the mistakes of others, and gather as much experience as possible to utilize while teaching. They will achieve the best results with the fewest downsides and hassles. However, edtech will thrive and improve in their hands.
6. The Leaders
These teachers are guiding others through the realm of educational technology. They are the field’s pioneers. Teachers are experimenting and documenting their results. They are willing to try new things, make mistakes, and make sacrifices. They understand that their contributions to the advancement of edtech education will significantly impact them and other instructors in the long run. As a result of exchanging experiences, they are prepared for failure and success.
Teachers approach educational technology in many ways. Although almost all of them see the importance of implementing edtech to keep the educational system current, effective, and successful, not everyone is ready to engage. Investigate the pencil metaphor to learn about the responsibilities that instructors play in developing and applying educational technologies. Discover your true self and create positive changes.
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